Product feed management

Turnkey listings on Google, Facebook, Amazon and more

Search, marketplace and affiliate feeds

WesData is a complete solution for feeding your products to all major shopping engines, marketplaces and affiliate networks. Customers love our in-depth expertise and personal touch service.

Our Services


We'll pull your product data from any eCommerce system and feed it to all of your shopping partners in the right format with the right requirements. Shopping channels include Amazon, Facebook, Google and more. Affiliate networks include Awin, CJ, Linkshare and more.

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Turnkey product listings on dozens of popular online shopping channels and affiliate networks. We handle all the details of onboarding, day-to-day management and trousbleshooting.

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Analyze performance across partners and products to find the best mix. Find underperformers and make decisions on whether to change or remove them. Find and improve common errors and issues in your feeds and partner channels.

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Optimize your feeds for better exposure and optimal ad-spend. Find common problems and take advantage of best practices to stand out in the crowd.

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We greatly appreciate your level of effort and expertise in helping drive our data feeds to a best in class status. Thanks for going above and beyond for Sony.
Jason, SonyStyle
Everything passed validation and I am switching the datafeed live before I leave today, making this the fastest datafeed building process that I have participated in. Thanks for making things easy!
Chris, DoubleClick

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